Ursal der Raufer

its tloc is 38,80

38 80 is correct!

  • He has a high aggro range… So keep away!
  • A non-healer should have at least 1 HP pot or a good buff
  • He has a strong “maul” attack, common to druids in bear form. It does tonnes of dmg!
  • He won’t have any adds when you pull him well! A bad pull would give you one or two though.
  • As far as I know he cannot heal himself.

hope that helps!

where is he the cordinatess please or the directions

easy quest. With rogue go in moutain thrown 1 dagger when on the sleeper body and own him 1v1.

his spawn timer is like 5 minutes, i sit there on my lvl 18 druid and kill him over and over for his linen and green drops (which ive gotten alot of even though thottbot says he has a .1% chance of dropping) and then i just send it all to my lvl 5 warlock 😛

Did it at lvl 8 with a Rogue its easy just bring with you 1 pot and when you got 50hp…….

easy as priest.

bubble and heal until you run out of mana. you’d wana be lvl 10 tho

the right cordinates is : 41,79
At the Gnarlpine Hold south of the entrance of darnasuss!

wht is a gud level to du this quest im a level 9 night elf druid shall i du it now

I soloed Ursal at lvl 11 with my pet (lvl 10 duskstalker). Very easy if you avoid the many adds around the camp.

He is at the south west bottom of the map. You will have to kill a few gnarlpines to get to him, but he is in the way back corner.

i did this quest as a lvl 9 druid .. with a lot of deaths..  in the end i manage to pull him away from the mobs alone . and than it was heal and meele attack ftw.  had + 3 spirit buff  that i got from a scroll that dropped ,  think that helped me a lot ..  so i manage to heal up afther his crit and other flat dmg  ..

To complete the quest you need to find and killUrsal der Raufer.
This boi is a bit hard to find. There is a valley south of Darnassus entrance.
You need to go through the valley, there’s a lake you will see. Keep moving south along the lake and further.
There is an area named Gnarlpine Hold.Ursal der Rauferis near some kind of house. There are lots of mobs as well.
Clear the area carefully (really carefully) to avoid overpull. Kill the quest mob. Profit.
Keep in mind there are 11-12 lvl mobs, so you better be at least the same level.

Ursal der Raufer location coordinates are 38 80

Ursal der Rauferwww.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jg9-5OfPGg


Dieser NPC befindet sich in Teldrassil  (4).

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