The sun. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1916-1920, November 11, 1918,

Newspaper Page Text

WEATHER FORECAST. f I JSA fll U J f-r-w-w -w-fc. m 1
. ‘ ‘ , , , , – ‘ ” wt 1
Vol. lxxxvi. nd. 72.
NEW YORK, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1918. Copyright, lilt, tu the’ Sun Printing and PuolUhing Aatociation
. ‘ .
WASHINGTON, Monday, Nov. 11. Armistice terms have been signed by Germany, the State Department announced at 2:45
o’clock this morning. –
The World War will end this morning at $ o’clock, Washington time (11 o’clock Paris time). The armistice was signed by
the German representatives at midnight. This announcement was made by the State Department at 2:50 o’clock this morning.
The terms of the armistice, it was announced, will not be made public until later.
Effort Will Be Hade to
“Fortify Freedom Won
by People.”
Tnris Taper Calls Now Chan
cellor “Typo of Pan-German
Paws, Nov. 10. A despatch from
3erllr through Zurich says that Prince
Mfxlmfilan Baden atyl nl! tho boor
frVlslo’MtntrtHT!snc(J because of
the troubles- in the Interior of Ger
many. Frledrich Ebcrt. the German
Socialist leader, has been definitely
recognized a Chancellor.
In tho new German Government
there will be only three representa
tives for tho majority parties, namely
Krzberser, Gotheln and Rlchthofen.
The other posts will be occupied by
Socialists and Independents.
Chancellor Ebert in & proclamation
says he plans to form a people’s gov
ernment which will endeavor to brine
about speedy peace and to fortify the
freedom which the people have won.
He declared that, Prince Maximilian of
Kaden had transferred the Chancellor
ship to him, all the Secretaries of State
uving given their consent. The new
Government, he added, would be In
irccmcnt with the various parties.
The Temps to-day concludes a sketch
Ebcrt as follows:
“He shares the luting passions of
the German. He Is a type of pan-Gcr-nian
Socialist, not to say an imperialist.”
Friend of Kaiser Exposed in
Berlin Paper.
Special Cabtt Despatch to Tnc Sc.
Copyright, Mis; ali rights reserved.
Paris, Nov. 10. A sensation has been
cteated In Germin military and official
circles b’y publication by Edward Bern
stein yesterday in the Berliner Tagellntt
of revelations showing that Geu. Kelm,
president of the German Military League
and friend of the former Kaleer, lud
been In the pay of tho Krupps since 1901.
Last week Bernstein accused Kelm be
ore the Itelchstag and the General de
nied briefly. Bernstein Jhen proved, by
“showing excerpts from, the Krupp books,
that tho account had existed for eighteen
yean and that millions of marks had
been paid to Gen. Kelm in return for
munition contract.
“This man thus received millions from
the first German munition factory.” con
eludes Bernstein. “This is the factory
which Wllhelm so frequently., honored
with visits. The crimes of the house of
Krupp against the German people are
many and even heavier aro those of Gen.
Kelm. The leading spirits in this enter
prise will soon br, called to account be
fore a high court of the people for hav
ing; systematically prepared tho unl
.ursal massacre which has entailed the
oeftat of Germany.”
By the Associated Free:
IIahbik, Nov. 8. It la reported that
train of forty-two cars carrying am
munition, grenades and twelve Japanese
run, despatched from Harbin recently
for the Volga front, has been blown up
between Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk.’ ,
One French officer, two French sol
diers anil three Crechs ward killed,
while eighteen Czechs were, wounded,
ttolshevlk railroad men are a’ceueed.
London. Nov. iie The Government
-idght Issued a statement that the
I nUter of Reconstruction will an-
‘tince the Government’s general recon
!’ uetton policy to Parliament on Tuea-
In the meantime elaborate Initrufl
l ens have leen given for the slowing
i wn of munitions production and the
.eplacement of the. workmen, with a
scheme of donations for unemployment 1 1
t’j remain In force for six months. ‘ t I I
Gain of 3 Miles in Blow Ex
tending From Sedan to
the Moselle.
Stcuay Taken by Storm and
Another Advance Made
Toward Conflans.
By IJU Associated Frest.
With the American Forces on- th
Meusb Front. Nov, 10, The First and
Second 4Arnerjcant Annies in their nV-J.
iscks co-nay, cxionuing along the Mo
selle and tho Mouse, ndvancM on a
front of approximately 115 kilometers
(seventy-ono and a half miles). French
troops operating under the American
command nlso advanced at various
The captured territory includes tho
German stronghold of Stenay, Orlnwu-
court, cast of Verdun, and numerous
villages and fortified positions in Lor
raine. Aroused by repeated German raids
and local attacks during the last few
nights west of the Moselle, the Second
American Army In Its Initial attack
crashed down on the Germans early this
morning with artillery preparation last
ing several hours. Then the Infantry
forged ahead, ad-anclng at places for
more than three milts.
.Stenay Taken by .Storm.
The Germans fought desperately. ‘
using uicir machine guns, but were
forced to give ground almost every
where along the entire front. Stenay,
around which the Americans had been
held up for a week, was stormed and
taken In hard fighting. It was strongly
fortined and was- stormed from the
south. The Americans swept forward
against streams of machine gun bullets
and artillery Are from the bills nortb-
n stenay.
The entire district In tho region of
Stenay was flooded by the Germans, who
dammed the canals and rivers. The
American, crossing the Itlver Meuse
from below, took Stenay In a great
northward push.
ArlllUry Vm All NUM.
By the Anociattd Putt. t
With the American Arit on tub
SedXn’ Fnoxr, Nov. 10. The armistice
situation had no apparent effect on the
activities of the American front Sunday
morning. Parts of the front were
marked by artillery exchanges with the
Gorman shelling the Verdun road In the
regions of Oesse, lleaumont, Mouzon and
Union. The Mouzon bridge was broken
In two places.
Along the Ateuee from the region of
Sedan to Stenay the Qerman machlrie
Cotiliniirii on Tenth ‘Page.
Long Pull, Strong Pull
for Victory Smokes
fpHE drive for that $100,000 is
on in earnest. All the fund
asks is that the smoke fund
donors, by working Bhoulder to
shoulder, shall produce the
money needed to insure plenty of
smokes on Christmas and New
Year’s for every soldier who
cannot get home for tho holi
days. ‘ It isn’t much to ask, and if
you will read a few more of the
cards in the recent soldiers’ mall
yotf will join the ranks of donors.
Send along yqur donation and
do it quickly. Extracts of mes
sages from the boys which will
surely extract money from you
are printed on page 7.
BACCO FUND has no connection
with any other fund, organiza
tion or publication. It employs
no agents or solicitors.
New Chancellor Begs That Germany Be Saved From Anarchy
.JItASHlNGTON, Nov. 10. The following proclamation and manifesto by Friedrich Ebcrt, the new German dtan
VV cellor, were sent out by the German wireless station at Natten and picked up to-day by the naval radio stations in
thi3 country:
New Government has taken charge of business in
order to preserve the German people from civil war and
famine, and in order to enforce its just claims of, nelf
determination. This task I can accomplish only if all
authorities in all civil offices in towns in landed districts
lend to it a helpful hand,
I know it will be hard for many to cooperate with
new men who now have to lead business of the empire.
But I appeal to their love for our people. If organization
of public life stops in this serious hour then Germany
would be prey of anarchy .and most terrible, miserable.
Therefore, lend together with me and your help to our
country by continuing work in fearless and unrelenting
manner, everybody in his position until hour has come
that -relieves uaof-ouptLduty.-
CITIZENS: Former Chancellor Prince,; Max of
Baden, with assent of all the secretaries, has charged me
to carry on business of Chancellor.
Army Expenses Will Continue
Through Demobilization
of Great Force.
9t,000,000,000 Annual Rev
enue May Bo Necessary
for Many Years.
Special Detpatch to Tar Sex.
Washington, Nov. 10. No matter
how soon the war ends there will be no
falling off In need of revenue for the
.. . , …. ,.,,
Government. Peace to-morrow woula
mean that tho JS.000.000,000 tax
would remain unchanged In nmount -Jnd
two more bond Issues of at least $5,000.-
000,000 each and pofwlbly $6,000,000,000
each would have to be flouted to pay ex
penses of the Government until June 30
next. This was stated to-day by Treas
ury . officials and members of the Senate
Finance Committee.
Although enormous drains on the
Treasury will be automatically cut off
with the proclamation of peace, other
very heavy war expenses will continue
for a long time after tho war and enor
mous revenues will be necessary to meet
the bills.
The greatest Immediate saving will . a)r. n the jpa(li ora pTCBsng tho enemy
be brought about In loans to tho Allies. cl0,e!v a nlollff tho Ilne,
amounting to JC,000,000,000 a year, the Tl6 iwoty Increases In Importance as
enormous ordnance programme will bo I the pursuit gors on. Several lallroad
cut to comparatively nothing, and the trains, batteries of artillery Intact, 1m
upkeep reduced of tho hundreds of thou. ‘ mpnse munition dumps and stores .and
aands of soldiers still In the United wagon trains fell Into the hands of the
BtAtes when pence Is made, As Amerl- “Hied troopn yesterday and to-day.
can noldlers aro Drougni nome una me
army la demobilized, expenses for their
pay and supplies will decrease as stead
ily as they have Increased Blnce the se
lective draft law was put Into effect.
Unless urgent need Is demonstrated to
the Administration and Congress, the
loans of 1500,000,000 n month to ths
Allies must ceaee when the war officially
ends. The authorlaxtlon to lend . this
money applied only to the war period.
Further legislative action will be neces
sary to make nny such loans In peace.
Continuation of-a heavy army ex-
vumiiiu…… . , ,a ml0ri nay s marcn or tin- oonier line
i pew for itioiuhM or years ufter tho war, un,i coxM (0mplete the liberation of
cloes l r. certainty. It will requlro French soil before tho end of .a day if
i many months to bring home tho 2,000,-
000 soldiers now In France, and they
must be uaid and maintained during
that time. The belief Is general here
that an International police force, with
America taking a large part, will ba
Industrial Leaders, Who Were for Kaiser When
Wealth of Asia Seemed in Grasp, Turn Against
War Party When Crisis Threatens Ruin.
Special Cable htipoteh To Tun iSvv.
Copyright. HIS: all right, refined.
London, Nov. 10. Gnu of the most
powerful Influences In bringing about
the abdication of the Knlser was the
antagonism of the financial anJ indus
trial leaders, who faced a crisis perhaps
j unprecedented In history. These men
cninusiastlcally supported the
and Ludendorff so long ait Germany was
successful. With Russia and Humanla
overwhelmed and the wealth of Asia in
lne were all lor ine militarists.
I now mat tne armj- ha iien iifffatwl
“”- wuung io mane any Nicniice
! n) Hohenzollerns were the tlrst to
fel their wrath, particularly tl-at of tho
,,,.. . , . ‘
banking, chipping ami Industrial mag.
,,at,3 wll0 Kert frr UaUm unt

Roads Cluttered With Sup
plies Abandoned by Enemy.
By the Aieociated Pretf,
Wmt thc French Army in France,
Nov. 10. Tho French General Gouraud
made his official entry Into Sedan at 2
o’clock this afternoon.
Disorder la beginning to show In
the ranks of the retreating German
! Brim- bVinnt, tv-nnno , I , ,h.t. as,.-
together with a large number of
The pursuit of the enemy Is being
rendered extremely difficult by reason of
the shortening front, which necessitates
the withdrawal of materials rendered
useless on the diminishing line nnd the
; doubling of traffic on roads already con-
gested by. the convoys following the ad
vanclng troops.
French territory occupied by the
enemy along th Uetglan frontier Is
diminishing rapidly In size. Kvory
whero the French troops ore now -within
the roads were not -becoming more and
, morn encumlered by the increasingly
i mienso iramo ana oy me oooiy jeu oe-
hind by the enemy.
At this hour It appears that It wIP
be a close race between the final cross
ing of the Belgian frontier all along
the line and final action on the armis
tice .proposals.
I am going to form new government, with parties,
and shall report within brief delay about results to public.
New government will be government of people. Its en
deavor must be to bring to people peace as quickly as pos
sible, and to confirm liberty which it has gained.
Citizens: I ask for the assistance of you all in heavy
tasks which await us. You know how seriously war
threatens approvisionment (?) of people which js first
condition of political life. Political revolution ought not
disturb approvisionment of land districts nor to disturb
production of food nor its transportation into towns, but
to foster it.
Scarcity of food means looting and plundering, with
misery for all. The poorest would suffer in the most
heavy fashion. Vorkingmen in industries would be hit
-most severely. Whosoever takea.away food or other ob
jects of necessity br means of- transportation necessary
for their distribution commits heaviest sin against all.
Citizens: I urge you all to leave streets, and provide
for quiet and order. EBERT.
his death e?teilaj Uectnliy they
Iiavo been intriguing for the reappoint
ment of L’r. I’lehard von Kuelilmann as
chancellor, and as this was Impossible
so long as the Kaiser was in power they
, . i .
uciimnurii in- irui:.
The Frankfurter Zrltii.ip. whkh Is i
devoted to these Interest, led In the
demand for abdication. The llremen
Burger Zeitung, friendly to similar In
terests, Is Indignant because, us it al
leges. Ludendorff and tho Kaiser con-
f ‘f. Avl
, .. I rrom c-ractw announces the rormation or croU, t)ree independent Sorlal Deino
,ro1′ , , ,., .. . ;a Poll.h republic under the Presidency of cra ,.rl(.r ,,. fllturc Rveni-
“Should he dare teduro the Kaiser , t)oputv naynS8. ,
and attempt a coup d’etat, the paper. prQf Ijammat(;1) , AuMr!an Pre-
concludes, “the consecpienccs pre obvious ,er hj r(.ceIvoJ mcM ,,otltlcation. fieiii ral MrlUr neitu.i.
to every thlnKlng Individual. ‘say a .Wpatcli from Vienna, that! W,l, t.Ci,rd to Uk, incidents of No-
– – ‘ (Poland has assumed sovereignty over j vrmbei 3 In lierlin the nem’.-ofllelal
D’ANNUNZIO GETS jGallcla. Telegraph Buicau, working under the
o iiriiTiAII urn . . Gullcla if a crown land or Austria- control of the Workmen’s and Soldlcis’
U. S. AVlAflUrf mLUAL .Hungary, north of the Carpathians. It Council. Issues the following report:
French and Americans Also
Paris. Nov. JO. Tne foreign Rervlce
committee of the Aero Club of America
has conferred lis war medal on Oauricle
d’Annunxlo of the Italian army, I.teuts.
Forest and Jlarchal of the French army
and Douglar Campbell of California,
Frank Luke of Pr.oenlx, Ariz., and Kd
ward IllckenbacKer of Columbus, Ohio.
Posthumous awaras aro made to Meut.
CoUTard of the French army, t’aul Pa-
velka of Madison, Conn., and ISnslgns
C. S. Head and A. D. Sturtevant or the
American Navy.
Lieut, Frank Luke, Jr., was one of the
chief American aces In the fighting dur
ing the present year. His specialty was
downing German observation balloons
as they rested In their “beds.” He also
had a number of airplanes to his credit
Luke has been missing since October 20.
Unslgn Sturtevant was shot down In
a ncaplano In ICuropean wuters last Feb
ruary. Sergeant Pavclka was a member of
the French Flying Squadron. He had
been decorated with the Wnr Cross and
cited In French army orders for brilliant
work In the air.
He was killed by a fall
from n horse near Monastlr.
Knslgn Head wai killed In torvlco In
France. Lieut. Campbell In an American
‘ace,” aH .also is wcKenbaciicr, a for-1
mer automobile racing driver of note.
“Comrade’ HrnUs Wolff Ilm
tinr.uN, via London, Nov. 10. An offi
cial communication Issued to-day says
the Wolff Bureau, the semi-official news
agency, has been placed under control
of “Comrade William Karle.”
New (ioveriuiieiiL Assumes
Sovereignty Over (ialici.i.
Austrian Slate.
-r..l ..,. r,, … , ,
-u.iiKi-iisfirf, i ruuji.N ui ruiu:
Wny Tlirou;li Country !
, . ‘
l mier ArillS. j
AiisTSROAM. Nov. 10. -A message;
hn an area nf 30,r.07 wpiaro miles and
In normal times had a population of
about 7,000,000.
The palace of the Austrian delegation
at Iludapest has been stormed by a mob
which threw down tho Austrian es
cutcheons, according to a Vienna des
patch. iNNeimrci;, Austria, Nov. ! (via Ba
sel, Nov. 10,) Bavarian troopH have oc-
j cupleJ the ratlroud station here.
i Austrian troops arc returning from the
! former front In swarms, clinging to the
cars wherever they can get a hold.
. Many have been cruhfrt or decapitated.
I by thc tialni paMrlug through tunnels. ‘
I Bodies to the number of 273 were picked
up in one uuy on inu ruuruau iraciis
near here.
Believes Abdication Means
Submission to Allies.
Romk, Nov. 10. News of the German
Kmpcror’s abdication wan received here
with great mtlsfactlon, It being accepted
aa an indication that Germany will sign
the armistice conditions Imposed by the
Alllei, which. It Is contended, could not
! have been done ho long as the Emperor
remained In power.
A Deputy who has Jun icturncd fioni
I lie llbcinted Italian provinces alii to-!
I jaj.
The German Kmpernr’s abdl.M’.on I
a sign that Germany has at lant
awakened to the fact that she has been
beaten on all fronts and that sho has
been deceived alt nlong by the military
“The German people themselves have
forced their Idols to abdication. That 13
the end of military autocracy and the
birth of democracy In Germany “
General StrikcDcclared and
Troops Placed at Social,
ists’ Disposal.
“Loiifj Live Social Republic”
Proclaimed Crown Prince’s
Palace Seized.
Uj the Anociattd rreti.
Berlin, Nov. 9 (Gorman wireless to
London. Nov. 10). The German peo
ple’s Government has been Instituted
In the greater part of Berlin. Tho gar
rison ha gone over to Ihe Govern
ment. The Workmen’s and Soldleia’ t’oun
rll lias declared general strlLo.
Troops ami machine g’liis liar been
placed at the disposal of the council.
Guards which had been stationed at
the public ofllcea and other building!
have been withdrawn.
New Government’! Mslrmenl,
The text of tho statement Ifsued by
the people’s government reads:
In the course of tho forenoon of
Saturday the formation of a new
German people’s government was
InltUted. Tho greater part of the
llerllr. garrison and other tioops
hUtioned theie temporarily wrnl over
to tho new government.
j The leaders of the deputations of
; the Social Democratic party declared
, they would not bhoot against the
j people. They raid th-y would, in ac-
i cord with tjic people’s government,
i Intercede in favor of the malnte-
‘ of order. Thereupon In the
,.m. , ,, .lt,ll. It, .ihkI.
,. ‘,. “V .,””.7
The business of the Impel lal Chan-
cellor Is being carried on by the
! sorlal Democratic Deputy llerr Kbert.
It Is presumed that apart from tho
reprecntatlves of the recent majority
This morning at ‘. o’clock the woik- j
J ,e 0f the greatest Industrial under- I
takings commenced a general strike.
Processions hastened from all the
subuibs “to the centre of the city,
“ted Mags were carried at the head
of the processions, In which marched
armed soldiers and all classes.
The first procession arrived from
the Ackerstrasve and Brunnestrasse.
Ab a piellmlnary th soldleis and
officers wore urged to remove their
cockades and epaulettes. In the ma-
I Jor’ty of cas-es this took place xolun
i tarllv.
Soldier Grert Workmen. j
There was a general fraternization 1
of soldier and workmen. The work
men penetrated thc barracks, where
they recelvid an enthuslstlc recep
tion from the soldiers.
The military occupants of factories
mingled In common with tho workerw,
left thn works and treated with them
In common.
So far as known the only clasli
between tho masses and armed forces
took place on the occupation of tho
so-called ‘cockshafer’ barracks. In
that uas a guard of fusllierc, but only
twn officers tlrrd.
Thttv persons were k:,leil imd one 1
was Injured Tills N to bn icgictterl.
The taking possesion of a majority
of the public ImildlnRM and establish
ment was completed without diffi
cult.,’ once it war. c’.eiir that the mill
taiy hud gone ovei to the people
Deputy von T.ia: and r-ild,cia
(.poke ftom a motor lorry. A delegate
from the orji” uf officer of the Guard
Battalion announced that t-.e officers
Tvoro on thc ride of the people t!tur:n
Continued on Second i’uj-f.
King of AYurtU’inbei’A’ Ab
dicates; Kings of Savon.v
and Havana Wavering.
Bcntcn Kaiser Signed Fateful
Decree Saying “It May 1J
for Germany’s Good.'”
Special Call Dlipatch to Tt Scn .’rcn th
I onion Timet Serclce.
Copyright, 1111; all light t reerrH
Losdon,’Nov. ln.’l’lio coiTp.-pond-cnt
of ilit Time nt- Tito Ilngue tele
jfrnplu that tlio runner ICnlpcr jinrt
111 OlUSUt son, Clf i-otntl.iniorl by ii llll
nf ton aifn, urrbnl nl MMilnolit
(ielrtoi-l.iml, Holliiml. niiil n.-
nro now ut the i:tlo if ‘ ii
litld’. ;m o!il liipuil.
Ay Ihe l$tociaitd l’rtu
Lonpon, JCov. IL (Momlay). Ttm
former Gennan Kaiporor’s in rty.
which Is Iwlleveil to Inclmli’
Marshnl von Illmleiibtirsr. uitIvih! :tt
Kybdtyi, on the Dutch frontier, nt 7:n0
o’clock Stinciny morning, ncconlliit;
Daily .Vnil uilvlcu.
; . Practically lilt- wlinlc Oiiu:mi i.i i
! t’ral SlafT nccoiiirinIvil Un- fin’im’!
, Kmiieror. nml ton ti titomabi !s ..: i x.
tin party. ‘”‘lio niitotm lti .i er
lirislllng with “ifli-i iiikI .ill llu fuT”
Uvo werv nnm’il.
Tito ex-Kair waj in uniform,
allglitexl nt the F.y.clrn station ami
paced the ulatfonn, !-niolliig n ciga
rette. Eysilen l!ei ahoiil midway i-olwrcn
ueKP nml ManMrlflit. on tin; Duli’li
Chatling ulth the member i r
stnn. Hie former Ktiiperor, the i ure
Kimlent sujs, did not look ‘ i
least distressed. A few mliiutc ‘nier
an ImiKTlal train. Ineimluig ,i
rant nid !eeiiti rir”. i.m i, n
-rn t J tm. Only vviiiirs ueie i.h n l
Train I’ull ul riiglllvi’a.
‘I lie ineiniratlnns lieg-m (r tin’ .
partutv nt 10 o’chv-U In f,,e jiioiuing.
but at 1(1 Mrt o’clock tho ir.n’n win stli
nt I’j-silon. Tho bllnd of tin train
were ail ilrnwn.
The thiily Mail remarks ibat If tho
party urrhert in Holland nnit’-d a
of tliem iniiit 1ntcm.
A leutcl to the Dxriian.- Te ,
sraph t’oiinmiiy itMin t ‘. ,! Ii c
quote the VolUil-rn :i HI J ins th-‘V
wIrmi the Gcliimli Ihupei or w.w, i
.Maaslfieiit in- mi- mvoit juu
I ho foi’iilef l ‘iiipi e.s.
Slgnlnu llu- .MhIIi’uiIoii,
I’mpcror William nlKneil n letter u!
nbillcnllon on Snintilay ninrnim; at
the (iernian (iniuil Ileadiiuariei’i In
the presence of frown Trlnce FreiJ
erlck William ami Field Marshal von
llimk’iiliurK. lu-cnriUtc to a det-pnlch
from Amsterdam to the Kxcliungo
Tclegraiili (“onijiaiij.
The (iernian Crown I’rlnce slsncil
Ills reiniiii’Ialloii to t lie throne mihu
! afterward.
Hefuie pliii’lnc Ills l,-ni: t nr- in t te
1 iloi’iimeni nn urt-‘ciit hh.mici’ fri’i.i
‘ I’liillpii Srlielilemiinii who was s,
! cljtlixt inembi’r witluiin; ii.;.-.
the Imperiii! Caliltiet, wu liaiuleii t
tlw 1111 peror. lie t’t’lbl !l u ;I
, hhirer. Tlii’ii ho nlKlie 1 (lie pape,
, saylns’
; “It may bo for Ihe goutl of tic
1 innny.”
The ICmperor was dcepl innved Ho
consented to slcn tho document onl
til 21
